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Lisa Falzone and Chris Ciabarra think artificial intelligence (AI) could play a key role in preventing mass shootings. The serial entrepreneurs cofounded Athena Security, a startup that's developing a machine learning layer for security cameras in retailers, corporations, and schools.

A.I. Software protects Fortune 500 companies, schools and religious establishments using current security cameras without profiling and invading people's privacy

SecurityInfoWatch (SIW) contributor Steve Surfaro caught up with Athena Security co-founders Chris Ciabarra and Lisa Falzone to learn how they're leveraging artificial intelligence technology to detect firearms and other objects in a variety of applications at ISC West 2019. Athena Security won best new security product award ISC WEST vegas 2019.

Athena Security Case Study for gun detection at school for Archbishop Wood High School. System installed 2018 and several schools have followed foot. Athena aims to make this is a goverment standard to protect our loved ones that our in our public and private schools.

The Al-Noor Mosque in Christchurch, NZ will be one of the first two mosques to leverage Athena Security's award-winning AI-powered active shooter detection platform to protect its worshippers and staff after the tragic mass shooting.

Image of CTO holding a semi automatic machine gun while the gun detection system alerts on such a weapon it found.

Swat team testing out system by using 3 members with weapons walk 30 feet away from a camera and system detected the armed swat memebers.